SuvObj Export

First, import image files either by dragging them directly into the window or by opening them from the file browser.


Next, go to Explorer Settings > Mesh Format > JSON and set suvObjJSON as format value.


Next, go to Explorer settings > Atlas List > exportAtlas. In Output Path, select a location to save atlas.

Next, go to Mesh Export Group > Mesh Export options. Set JSON as Export format and specify export path in Output path.

As single file : ON -  To create single file per Export group instead of per mesh

As single file : ON -  To create single file per Export group instead of per mesh

When everything is done click “Build”. New .suvobj file and the atlas will be created in export location.

SuvObj Format description

    “app” : {                    // software description
        “name”:  string,         // application name
        “var” :  string          // application version

    “mat”: {                     // material description                
        “id”: string,            // unique id from suv project file
        “name”: string,          // material name
        “texFiles”: string[]     // texture filename list

    “mesh”: {                    // mesh description
        “Id”: string,            // unique id from suv project file
        “name”: string,          // mesh name
        “pos”:{                  // mesh pivot position
             “x”: float,
             “y”: float,
             “z”: float,

        “rot”: float,            // mesh pivot forward axis Euler angle
        “tri”: int[],            // triangle vertex indices
        “uv”: float[],           // uv per vertex, described as X , Y , X , Y ...
        “v2”: float[]            // vertex position, described as as X, Y, X, Y ...

    “ver”: int                   // file format version

ScriptedImporter and Canvas scripts examples for Unity 2018 are available on gitHub repository.